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"Keep Brooville Beautiful"



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The Brookville Park Foundation, where all the beautiful flowers and shrubs on our roads come from in our Village, is a nonprofit corporation, separate from the Incorporated Village of Brookville. It was founded and incorporated in February, 1981 by former resident Murray Berry, and active current resident Donald Pollitt, together with his late wife, Lorraine.

While not part of the Village of Brookville, the Brookville Park Foundation (“BPF”) which is supported and run by volunteers from the Village, works in close cooperation with the Village. No Village funds are used for our flower beds. All maintenance is supported strictly by contributions. Many of the capital improvements have been made possible by Mayor
Goodwin who has made the “BPF” the recipient of surpluses from several Mayor’s Outings.

In the beginning Donald Pollitt and Murray Berry sat drinking coffee on one of those “icicle” February mornings in 1981 and planned how they could make “their village” more beautiful.

The first project was to replace the bland grass in the state owned triangles at Wheatley and 107. Donald anticipated this move and had obtained permission from the state earlier, so the project was ready to go. Initially all the flowers in the triangles were planted, usually on Sundays, by Lorraine and
Donald Pollitt. Harold Dougherty initially hooked up garden hoses from neighboring homes and dragged them across the roads to water the newly established beds. Later he graduated to a watering truck.

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